The Merlin Circle began as a project to raise visibility of craftsmen and industry experts who wanted to build consultancies around their own expertise, knowledge & experience.


Build a personal brand for yourself - archive all of your hard-earned lessons and knowledge in compelling writing, then expand your reach on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and even Instagram/Tiktok.


Create a SEO-friendly archive of all your material, compiled from every panel discussion, interview, TV appearance — we take soundbites and transform them into longform content you can use in a repository.


Each individual brand is conceived in tandem with you; we undertake large parts of a highly collaborative process to sieve out key content pillars based on what you have to share, and we laser-focus our writing to maximize your content.


Based on your current materials (audio or video) as well as through deep interviews with you, we identify key content pillars and A/B test for optimal results.

We’re proud of utilizing AI in the form of LLMs to guide our approach. With AI, our content strategies are typically more comprehensive and strategic than they were before.


We began as ghostwriters, and we continue to honour this heritage - we select writers familiar to your industry and all of the content is checked by the executive team before being sent to you for approval.

Writing is heavily shaped by the platform it’s intended for, and we customize both content and form for your platform of choice.