what can we do for you?

it starts with an nda.

Working with ghostwriters is a question of access - the more we get to know you and your content, the better we can convey what you’re trying to say. Remember, the best storytellers disappear into the story!

DO you know what you want?

Before we begin writing, we like to get these things right:

knowledge, ideas or manuscript?

We’ll have an in-depth conversation with you about what you already have. Wherever you are now, be it knowledge, an idea or a manuscript, we’ll meet you there.

working together is an art.

Some clients prefer a ghostwriter they can meet in person — others prefer to just hand over their existing content and lob emails from then on. Whichever your style is, we will figure out our working arrangements and bandwidths. Deadlines wait for no one!

people, process, print

In your conversation with us, we hope you’ve felt that right ‘click’ of connection. It’s for this very reason that we keep our client numbers small — we must be aligned for this to work.

Once we have alignment, it’s up to the process that we’ve agreed on to carry us forward. Whether it’s coffee discussions or revisions over email, we will follow the process we’ve agreed on and use that to govern our timelines and deliverables.

As soon as the manuscript is ready, we will hand it over to you for you to sent it to your chosen publisher for print.

cost or investment?

Ghostwriting is not cheap, and these factors influence pricing significantly:

  • Do you require copywriting or ghostwriting? If you don’t require strict anonymity from your writer, copywriting is almost always more dollar-efficient.

  • Do you require ghostwriting or ghostediting? If you already have a manuscript, you may get more mileage from editing. We are open to working with projects for editing only!

good ghosts

Ghostwriters are writers who have made it their craft to put your pen to paper.

Can they write for you?
Many people can write books, but not many can write books on behalf of someone else. Find someone who shares the same beliefs as you, or who’s inspired by your ideas — that alignment brings a different conviction and truth to writing that can’t be replicated.

Do they have bandwidth?
Clarify if they have ongoing projects, and mutually commit to deadlines. Ghostwriting is a two-way street, and delays on either side will impact the deadline.

Are they familiar with your topic?
While some knowledge can be picked up along the way, it’s not likely that a writer, no matter how talented, will be able to pick up language and complex ideas around specific industries in a matter of weeks or months.

PS: Our specializations are in the field of business, organizational culture, history, geography and healthcare!

Connection, connection.
Ghostwriting is a truly collaborative process; look for someone you find trustworthy and communicative.